Thursday, February 16, 2012

 We've literally been programmed on purpose, by Sports, and the news. It has all been lies forever, delivered by social engineers who have programmed us just like machines. We CANNOT think outside the mass media box. Brazinski is Obama's policy chief and he said in the seventies that the public could not think for themselves. He is a member of the CFR and Trilateral corporation, and these people are calling for the destruction of the United States in their own writings. Brazinski said, "eventually we will put presidents in who are the product of personality cults whom we control...", the same man is his chief advisor. Obama has worked for the Ford Foundation, who helped develop the idea of the masses "yes we can yes we can, we shall overcome... yes we can..." The psych warfare engineers are counting on Obama to help pass the totally unpalatable policies of the Big Banks and the NWO. The Obama Election was one such event. I voted for Obama. Lets look at the facts: 

  Obama the LIAR - Centre Pieces of Obama's Campaign 

He said: "If you make under a hundred twenty five thousand dollars a year you will not see your taxes increase by one dime, not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your Federal Gains Taxes..." instead he has proposed new taxes on payroll, energy, home mortgage deductions, and SCORES OF OTHER NEW TAXES.

He Reappointed Ben Bernanke as chairman of the federal reserve, said he opposes any kind of audit of the fed, even though Ben Bernanke has said he "doesn't know" where half a trillion in bail out money went and flat out refused to answer where three trillion went, when asked by a senator during a hearing into the wall street crises of 2008

He promised to do away with the dark and secretive ways of the Bush Cheney white house, and have "the most open administration ever". instead he has run THE MOST secretive administration ever, refusing to even disclose who visits the White House (we already know it's the same handlers that ran Bush Cheney, people like Nixon's Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, Bush & Cheney themselves as well as Bush Senior, the heads of major Wall Street and Investment Banks behind the massive fraud and looting of their own companies and clients investments, who then cover those losses brazenly with Government and Taxpayer money, even passing  bills that ensure THEY wont be responsible for their reckless fraudulent looting and criminal raids of other peoples wealth, but rather guaranteeing that u.s. citizens will always be on the hook to bail them out, and in such a way that they don't even have to answer to what they do with the bail out monies, nor ever even REPORT fraudulent debt nor be honest nor accountable to ANYONE... Thanks Barak.

He: Promised to abolish the Patriot Act. He's now an ardent supporter, as well as a staunch defender of Bush's unconstitutional wire taps, Telco Spy Immunity, Water Boarding, Guantanamo Bay, and raised surveillance to heights unheard of in the Bush Cheney admin: supporting EXTENDING PATRIOT ACT PROVISIONS, 

He: IS APPOINTING A NEW INTERNET GESTAPO CZAR OF THE INTERNET, the Cyber Security Co-ordinator "Cybercon", run out of the Pentagon... Admitting it completely ends the fourth amendment and allowing him to shut DOWN the internet... 

He: IS CALLING U.S. CITIZENS WHO MIGHT NOT TYPE WHAT THE GOVERNMENT LIKES IN CHAT ROOMS "TERRORISTS" and their KEYBOARDS "WEAPONS OF MASS DISRUPTION", he has allowed FEMA CAMP CONSTRUCTION TO CONTINUE UNABATED, AND APPOINTED A NAZI POLICE STATE LIKE CIVILIAN COMPONENT TO "Homeland Security" (read the NAZI PARTY GESTAPO AND SECRET POLICE), in appointing a "Civilian Police Force", which has literally trained Boy Scouts to act as snipers to "take down targets such as psychotic war vets"--a move hauntingly similar to the Nazi creation of Hitler Youth and encouragement of neighbours reporting on their neighbours, children on their parents, husbands on their wives, etc, etc, etc...

He: Has gone on record and held press briefings opposing any further investigation in spite of the fact that they have found a definite link to Cheney and Bush having definitely directly ordered torture. The U.S. Armies own investigations have pointed the finger upwards, U.S. Generals calling for prosecution, yet instead only non ranking officers have been held accountable under Obama as the culprits of torture. 

He: Has endorsed indefinite detention without trial, calling it "Prolonged Detention"- allowing for the arrest and detention without charges or trial of any American for crimes they "MAY COMMIT", and "for things they have not done yet"... in other words, for things words, eliminating the writ of habeas corpus as a guarantee from amongst our constitutional rights!

He: Has continued the farcical charade of Homeland Insecurity as a crime against the American Citizen, even given TSA insane rights to physically molest people in the name of air port security, and is currently giving them a new "interstate" mandate to "patrol and secure the nations high ways and intestates", with authority to "stop any vehicle for any reason they deem necessary", voiding any rights protecting us from unwarranted search and seizure...

He: Has literally held press briefings in which he has specifically warned Americans from investigating any further the claims of many that 911 was an "inside job", in spite of the fact that an overwhelming and growing body of evidence and facts now point to this and increasingly shine an extremely harsh light on the "official" Bush Cheney Administration version of events, & rendering the White House claims the one's that now sound impossibly absurd and farcically inane. When former and current Intelligence Officers,  Army & USAF Signet Generals,  Navy, Marine, USAF, & Commercial Pilots, Demolition's Experts, former & current FBI, CIA & NSA agents, Accountants, Judges, Lawyers, Architects, etc etc who are experts in the esoteric, niche, professional, legal and eye witnesses to what actually happened that day, as well as an increasing "post 911 death toll" of eye witnesses that CONTINUES TO GROW TO THIS DAY, "coincidence" and "conspiracy theory" are no longer applicable to any part of the 911 story excepting that still held by the major news media and the government and people who profited off of the put options and lucrative insurance claims cashed in on the towers etc. Again we find the same big Wall Street firms who were behind 2008 and the mortgage crisis and derivatives speculation meltdowns were the ones who reaped insane profits from what happened that day (especially in building seven), yet still, Obama calls it "wrong" to question the official story... saying these are "not opinions to be debated, these are facts to be dealt with"... (the asshole)

He: Was Mr. BIG ANTI WAR CANDIDATE, yet he continued the war in Iraq, massively extended the war in Afghanistan, extended it into Pakistan... He criticized Bush for the way he went to war in Iraq, saying, and I quote "... what he does... is say... I don't agree with this part {of the constitution}, or I don't agree with that part... I'm going to interpret it this way or that way... that's not part of his power, that he can interpret the law any way he wants... I disagree with that, I taught the Constitution for ten years and I will promise to obey the Constitution... we're not going to use signing statements..." Hmnnn... that wasn't at all what he did, the lying fuck-head. He fucking said he "didn't need" any approval by Congress to go to war in Libya. He said his "lawyers have advised" him that he doesn't need any approval or authority other than his own to bomb a sovereign nation, engage U.S. Naval and Airforces, or put "boots on the ground", CIA or otherwise. Not so, Shiesse Kopf. Guess you fucking FAILED as a fucking Professor teaching Constitutional mother fucking LAW you asshole. Yet we have a very strict constitutionalist running for President in Ron Paul, who would get rid of the Fed etc. and everyone's busy calling him a "racist", just like they did when Americans became furious with the Wall Street/Obama Administrations incestuous relations a few years ago, and started getting angry enough to demand these criminals be put away and Washington clean house and start taking care of Americans who they are supposed to be working for, instead of the criminal banking cartels who have bought them that they truly serve...

Kucinich issued articles of impeachment against George Bush be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanours, articles 26 used signing statements to claim the right to violate acts of Congress, even before signing those acts into law. Same applies to Obama. Especially since he is a LAWYER, AUTHORIZED TO PRACTICE LAW, AND TOOK AN OATH TO DEFEND THE LAWS AND CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES...

He: Promised to post laws and bills he'd sign on the internet so citizens could see them before they are enacted, but instead has done the opposite and even urged congressmen to sign them without seeing full copies, as many as three hundred pages have been missing and senators or congressmen have gone on record as saying they are outraged they are being asked to vote on laws they can't even READ...

He: Has CRAMMED HIS ADMINISTRATION WITH LOBBYISTS AND PEOPLE IN THE VERY INDUSTRIES THEY ARE SUPPOSEDLY REGULATING, the people who have themselves helped deregulate the market, the people who helped gut the economy and are helping destroy the country and dismantle the constitution

Hate Crime and Cyber Bullying would help end free speech...

NAFTA he promised to end, but he's said it is just "campaign rhetoric" to assuage Canadian fears

He: Is promoting a North American Union, and wants an Amero like the Euro

He: Wants to hand dictatorial power of the u.s. economy to an offshore banking cartel, the finance heads of the twenty industrial countries, who have called for an end to the dollar as the world government...

He has served (is serving) as head of the UN Security Council, but it is against the Constitution: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of ANY KIND WHATSOEVER..." (emphasis added)
Article 1, Section 9

Yet he has sworn allegiance to the UN World Government, (read the wealthiest one TENTH of ONE PERCENT & the multi national nazi neo feudal criminal banking would be slave masters of the world) he truly serves: 

"... no difference or division is worth destroying all we have built (as a world)..." He is basically saying the "New World Order" is more important than the United States of America or her Constitution and Laws, or the American Citizens and Voters at whose pleasure and will he serves. He has been elected on a wave of discontent, after many elections have been stolen from us as American Citizens and voters, and he was elected on promises of real change. Instead the empowering message of "yes we can" has proven, on Obama's lips, to be only intended for the Wall Street Elite and wealthiest one tenth of one percent, whom he has bailed out at the expense of his fellow Americans. He is a fraud and every-bit as guilty of treason as Bush, Cheney, and the criminals on Wall Street who engineered the coup of 911 and who are currently attempting to finish off America, and the EU, just as they have Iceland, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, etc. These people belong in jail, and so does most of Congress. They are afraid of Ron Paul, because they know he is honest and will do what he has promised, but if he doesn't get elected, there will be a second American Revolution. 

The same Rothschilds whose ancestors lied to the British Stock Exchange and told them that "The Peer" (Duke of Wellington) had lost to Napoleon at Waterloo, then profited from the frenzied selling of the Empires wealth by buying everything at rock bottom prices, are behind the "Global Warming" scam, and will be the ones who issue the international credits nations will trade in to allow them to pollute. The earth is indeed warming up, but it is a natural phenomenon, and one we need to plan for, which is not being done. Rockefeller is who he really works for, and all that's being done is a scam to disenfranchise and destroy the dollar and create the new paradigm and set of lies for the next hundred years, with the same criminals in control who've stolen from the people of America and the world and staged the last two world wars, funding all sides, and profiting off the bloodshed by selling the weapons to each of the combatants in turn. 

Obama is a puppet of the wealthiest one tenth of one percent. Abolish the Fed. Vote for Ron Paul. Get off your knees, America.

"When government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people fear the government, you have Tyranny. And when injustice becomes law, REBELLION BECOMES DUTY..."
Thomas Jefferson

"Only two things are infinite: the Universe, and 1/3rd of 1%r  stupidity... And I'm not so sure about the former..."

Albert Einstein

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety'..." 
Ben Franklin

"To win one hundred victories, one hundred battles, is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious. if ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril..."
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"When wrongs are pressed because it is believed they will be borne, resistance becomes morality."
Thomas Jefferson

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